
Fond Du Lac Times

Monday, June 24, 2024

Grothman criticizes Biden's decision to halt aid to Israel

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Congressman Glenn Grothman | Glenn Grothman BIG

Congressman Glenn Grothman | Glenn Grothman BIG

Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) has expressed his concerns following President Joe Biden's announcement to halt critical aid to Israel if they proceed with their plans to enter Rafah.

Grothman said, “Just a few weeks ago, Congress approved, and President Biden signed into law, funding to help our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel, as they respond to the deadly attack on their soil that left well over 1,000 people dead. I approved this funding as it is critical the United States stand with our friends. Now, President Biden announced he would halt arms shipments if Israel follows through with their clearly stated military goals. This is an unconscionable and dangerous move for many reasons."

He further explained his stance by stating three main reasons why he believes this decision could be detrimental. Firstly, he argues that the objective of the United States should be to assist in putting pressure on Hamas to stop fighting rather than pulling away support from Israel. Secondly, he suggests that this decision will only prolong the war and divert resources that could potentially lead to a quick resolution of the conflict. Lastly, Grothman pointed out that Israel's stated goal is to eradicate Hamas and any deviation from this plan due to lack of support would render the rest of the war effort in vain.

Grothman also expressed his disappointment with President Biden's reversal of position on such a critical issue. He recalled that during his campaign period, Biden had promised unequivocal support for Israel but recent actions suggest otherwise.

“It seems hard to believe some people have such a poor memory that they can’t remember that only seven months ago Hamas started this war by killing over 1,000 people on Israeli soil," said Grothman. "The idea of pausing so Hamas can reload and reorganize is absurd."

In 2019, when asked about pressure from fellow Democrats about cutting off funding to Israel during an interview with PBS News Hour, President Biden had said, “The idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. It's just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that."

Grothman is currently serving his fifth term representing Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.



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